Creating your first screensaver

Creating your first screensaver

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  5. Creating your first screensaver

Creating your first screensaver

With Live Screensaver Creator you can add any web site or keyword and make your own screensaver. Let’s do it step by step and create simple and basic one…

Start from the scratch

Please open Live Screensaver Creator to begin creating new project.

Then you have two options.

1. Create screensaver based on website

Click on the edit box below “Add Web site or page into a screensaver” and type any web site address (e.g. and then click “Add” button to insert it into a List of Web pages.

2. Create screensaver based on image keyword search

Click on the edit box below “Display images in screensaver having keyword” and type any keyword, e.g. sunset at beach, then click “Add” button to insert it into a List of keywords.

Test your first screensaver

Ok, now you can test your first screensaver. Click “Test” button (at the bottom left).

Do you like it?

Maybe you want different images to be displayed?

Double click existing keyword in the list, change it, click Replace… Test it again until it fits all your needs.

That’s it

• Save the project using Save button, so you can change it later when necessary.

• Click “Create” button (at the bottom left) to make screensaver installation file or “Make default” to set as default system screensaver.

What’s next?

You can modify screensaver, create another one, send it to your friends, business partners, relatives…

Or you can put it on your web site as a gift to your visitors…

Be creative! Grab the tool and make the best screensaver ever!

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