I would like to sell screensavers. Does your license cover this?

I would like to sell screensavers. Does your license cover this?

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  5. I would like to sell screensavers. Does your license cover this?

I would like to sell screensavers. Does your license cover this?

Registered users are licensed to do whatever they want with generated screen savers.

Generated screen savers can be distributed for free, sold to people and businesses, etc.

Note that you can sell screensaver created using Live Screensaver Creator (Web component of Ultra Screen Saver Maker) only if you use your own websites in it. Otherwise you should comply with Terms of Use of web pages and RSS feeds (for keyword based screensaver) you are using to create screensaver. Generally, websites and RSS feeds are limited to personal, non-commercial use. Also, images displayed in keyword based screensaver may be copyrighted by their respective authors. For more information set Exit condition to “ESC button”, click Test and visit “Terms of Use”, “Terms of Service” or similar link at the bottom of created screensaver.

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