Why should I buy your Ultra Screen Saver Maker or Live Screensaver Creator?

Why should I buy your Ultra Screen Saver Maker or Live Screensaver Creator?

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  5. Why should I buy your Ultra Screen Saver Maker or Live Screensaver Creator?

Why should I buy your Ultra Screen Saver Maker or Live Screensaver Creator?

Ultra Screen Saver Maker and Live Screensaver Creator is not a free software. You can try it free of charge for a maximum of 21 days from the day you download it.

After that time you should register it.

There is a list of benefits for registered users:

  •  No unregistered message on generated screen savers
  •  Unlimited use of product
  •  Free minor version upgrade
  •  Major version upgrade discount
  •  Development of even better product
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