Entering Text

Entering Text

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Entering Text

Text can be single or multi-line. When you click Add or Accept button, entered text will be moved into the list and all new line characters will be shown as “\n”.

To display current date and time use special symbols shown below.

You can find some predefined values in combo box below Enter text field as well.

The list of special symbols:

##SHORTDATEShort date format as set in Control Panel
##DATEDate format as set in Control Panel
##DDay of the month (e.g. 30)
##DDDay with leading zeros (e.g. 08)
##MMonth of the year (e.g. 11)
##MMMonth with leading zeros (e.g. 02)
##MMMMonth as three characters (e.g. Feb)
##MMMMMonth with full description (e.g. January)
##YYYear with last two digits (e.g. 15)
##YYYYYear with four digits (e.g. 2016)
##DDDDay of the week as three characters (e.g. Sun)
##DDDDDay of the week with full description (e.g. Monday)
$$TIMETime format as set in Control Panel
$$HHHours with leading zeros
$$MMMinutes with leading zeros
$$SSSeconds with leading zeros
$$TTAM/PM symbol


All characters between are also processed, e.g. “##DD day ##MM month ##YY” will be shown as “03 day 06 month 20” on 3rd June 2020.

When you click Add or Accept button, entered text will be moved into the list and all recognized symbols will be replaced with current date and time values. It does not mean special symbols are lost. Simply click Edit button to see original message again.

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