Seeing "We can't verify who created this file" message

Seeing "We can't verify who created this file" message

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  5. Seeing “We can’t verify who created this file” message

Seeing “We can’t verify who created this file” message

If you see “Open File – Security Warning. We can’t verify who created this file. Are you sure you want to run this file?” message when trying to run screen saver, if you are using network you could add it to drive Local intranet. Also consider creating “Digitally Signed Screen Saver (.scr) with Separate Data (.dat)” type of screen saver.

Note that this does not work for UNC or file:// addresses that use an IP address (e.g. \\\share), but you should use NetBIOS name (e.g. \\server\share).

For more information please read Intranet site is identified as an Internet site when you use an FQDN or an IP address.

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